Thursday 4 September 2008

Physical And Sexual Abuse Linked To Asthma In Puerto Rican Kids

�Children wHO are physically or sexually abused ar more than twice as likely to have asthma attack as their peers, according to a recent study of urban children in Puerto Rico. In fact, physical and sexual maltreat was second only to maternal asthma in all the risk factors tried and true, including paternal asthma and indicators of socioeconomic position.

"To our knowledge, this is the first news report of a direct association between childhood abuse and asthma and asthma-related outcomes," wrote Robyn T. Cohen, M.D., M.P.H., lead source of the paper of the Channing Laboratory of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

The article was published in the first issue for September of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, a issue of the American Thoracic Society.

"We wanted to explore whether exposure to stress and violence is associated with an increased risk of asthma in urban children living in Puerto Rico," said star investigator, Juan C. Celed�n, M.D., Dr.P.H. "We already know that there is a high prevalence of asthma in Puerto Rican children, and many studies have coupled stress and exposure to violence to health problems in puerility, including asthma attack."

The researchers interviewed 1,353 parent-child pairs in between 2001 and 2003, and re-interviewed nearly 90 percent of the same pairs iI years after their initial interviews. They used validated questionnaires to elicit information about accent and furiousness in the children's lives (whenever possible, without the parent present), and secondhand doctor-diagnosed bronchial asthma, allergic coryza, use of prescription medication for bronchial asthma and dr. visits for asthma and/or allergic rhinitis within the previous yr to appraise the children's asthma/allergy status.

"Children with a history of maltreat had higher frequencies of all outcomes of interest than those without a history of abuse," wrote Dr. Cohen. "After adjusting for relevant covariates, history of abuse was associated with an approximate doubling of the odds of current bronchial asthma, healthcare use for asthma, and supersensitive rhinitis." For example, whereas 15 (20 percent) of the 75 children with a history of abuse had current asthma, 128 (11.5 percent) of 1,117 children without history of abuse had current bronchial asthma.

The study did not, however, find a connection between neighborhood violence and asthma, as other studies have done in the past. The researchers hint that the discrepancy may be the result of the fact that "it is non simply the exposure to a particular stressor merely the physiologic response to that stressor that predicts physical health outcomes."

Individual responses to stressors such as community violence will vary, and according to some information, Puerto Rican culture itself may have protective features. "Latino culture places an emphasis on certain values and social supports that may buffer the effects of poorness and residential district violence experienced by children in Puerto Rico," aforesaid Dr. Cohen. Direct physical or sexual abuse, however, could cause a dissect of those buffering systems.

The investigators postulate that abuse may alter the

Monday 25 August 2008

Shamed Glitter released from Vietnamese jail

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has said that she does not

Friday 27 June 2008


Artist: Burzum

   Metal: Death,Black
   Metal: Heavy
   Metal: Industrial


Ragnarok (A New Beginning)   
 Ragnarok (A New Beginning)

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 8


   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 8

Blast From The Ancient Past (Bootleg)   
 Blast From The Ancient Past (Bootleg)

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 6

Daudi Baldrs   
 Daudi Baldrs

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 6

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss   
 Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 4

Svarte Dauen   
 Svarte Dauen

   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 3

Det Som Engang Var   
 Det Som Engang Var

   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 8

Burzum and Gorgoroth (Split)   
 Burzum and Gorgoroth (Split)

   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 7

Aske (EP)   
 Aske (EP)

   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 3


   Year: 1992   
Tracks: 11

Oud Spul (Demo)   
 Oud Spul (Demo)

   Year: 1991   
Tracks: 3

Demo I (Demo)   
 Demo I (Demo)

   Year: 1991   
Tracks: 3


   Year: 1991   
Tracks: 3

Draugen: Rarities   
 Draugen: Rarities

Tracks: 13

Burzum is the one-woman externalise of Varg Vikernes (born Christian Vikernes, aka Count Grishnackh), peradventure the about ill-famed bod in Norwegian sinister alloy. Although Burzum has an unpredictably experimental bent -- extensive black alloy, industrial, electronic, and dark ambient medicine -- Vikernes will incessantly be associated with his conviction for the 1993 remove of erstwhile Mayhem bandmate Euronymous. It wasn't the first-class honours degree time Vikernes had run fouled of the police; he had been a surmise in arsons directed at historic Norwegian churches in Bergen, a perception not helped by his use of a post-fire snap of the Fantoft Kirke church on the cover of Burzum's 1993 Aske EP. Coupled with Vikernes' racist, virulently anti-Judeo-Christian beliefs was a sort of flag-waving pridefulness, a hungriness to refund to the pre-Christian gentile culture and religion that had marked the glory years of the Vikings; this heathenism became a ofttimes recurring theme in black alloy circles, and light-emitting diode to the Norwegian metal sound organism labelled Viking metal in some living quarters.

As for his recording life history, Vikernes issued the eponymic Burzum debut in 1992 under his Count Grishnackh false name (taken from a J.R.R. Tolkien book); it was largely a typical black metal record, although it featured a few synth dabblings and slower passages, neither of which had yet plant a great deal favour on the scene. 1993's Det Som Engang Var expanded on those innovations while retaining an overall metal smack. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (If the Light Takes Us), released in 1994 shortly after Vikernes' immurement, integrated synthesizers more to the full into the Burzum wakeless, and the all-electronic mop up track foreshadowed Burzum's later move into dark ambient. The well-received, Vikernes' immurement.

With the vaults so exhausted, Burzum's future appeared to be in question, merely Vikernes managed to begin recording entirely instrumental synthesist albums while in prison. A concept function recounting a well-known Norse myth, Daudi Baldrs (Balder's Death), was released in 1997 as the first gear episode of a planned trilogy. The irregular parcel, the mythology-themed Hlidskjalf, appeared in 1999, featuring an equipment rise and a correspondingly fuller sound.

Monday 23 June 2008


Artist: Kotipelto

Metal: Heavy
   Metal: Power



   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10

Waiting For The Dawn   
 Waiting For The Dawn

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12

Beginning (single)   
 Beginning (single)

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 1

[2002] Waiting For The Dawn   
 [2002] Waiting For The Dawn

Tracks: 12

Kotipelto is the brainchild of a vocalist/songwriter Timo Kotipelto, best known as the frontman for the popular Finnish metal kit Stratovarius. Kotipelto specializes in majestic/melodic Euro-power metal in the Iron Maiden tradition, with lyrics often centering on antediluvian Egyptian themes. Kotipelto's first loss, Wait for the Dawn, came out in 2002 via Century Media in the United States during a abatement in activeness for Stratovarius. The album featured an all-star lineup of progressive/power metal musicians, including bassist Jari Kainulainen (Stratovarius); guitarists Michael Romeo (Philharmonic X), Roland Grapow (erst of Helloween), and Sami Virtanen (Warmen); keyboardists Janne Warman (Children of Bodom, Warmen) and Mikko Harkin (Sonata Arctica); and drummers Mirka Rantanen (Tunnel Vision) and Gas (HIM). While the band's style of music is still for the most part out of mode in the U.S. (regular if it does have its share of diehard followers), Kotipelto has been commercially well-received in their native Finland, landing themselves in the Finnish Top Ten singles graph with songs such as Waiting for the Dawn's "Offset."

Backstage Secrets of 'Dancing Stars'

Monday 16 June 2008

Evil Urges unleashed

When songs from Louisville, Ky., jam rockers My Morning Jacket started leaking, the collective response to the record was shock. The reaction was mainly sparked by the track, Highly Suspicious, which features singer Jim James putting on an unusual falsetto with the rest of the band chanting the song�s title in the background. It�s a far cry from the group�s usual melodic pop affairs, something drummer Patrick Hallahan is well aware of.

�I heard this particular song and I was like, �What the hell is this?�� he says, recalling the moment when James played the band the tune for the first time. �Jim is one of my best friends and you think you know the guy and you get this and I�m like, �Maybe I don�t talk to you enough.��

It wasn�t long before the five-piece warmed up to the surprisingly catchy tune. Hallahan explains the track was simply mean to be a fun listen, but there�s more going on here than just a band wanting to have a good time. Evil Urges is easily one of My Morning Jacket�s more eclectic offerings, with quirky tracks, straight-up southern tunes, and infectious rock �n� roll littering the disc. While it�s as interesting as their other records, My Morning Jacket has definitely gone in a different direction.

�We wanted to challenge ourselves, says Hallahan. �We tried to get out of our normal comfort zone of seclusion and unlimited time.�

To do that the group recorded in New York City � it�s the first time it has ventured outside Louisville to make a record. �We were working in a studio where we could only go for 12 hours at a time,� he reveals. �We�ve never been faced with limitations like that before. It yielded a different outcome because we had to focus more.�

There�s a chance some fans might be turned off by tracks like Highly Suspicious, though so far the tune has garnered much more praise than scorn. While the band knows some fans might be alienated by the new tunes, Hallahan says growing as a group trumps popular opinion. �We had to take these steps for our mental stability,� he explains. �We have to grow, change and create. In order to do that we have to try new things and push ourselves. We just ask that people stick with us.�

But pushing themselves wasn�t easy. Hallahan even spent a few days wondering if recording in New York was the right decision. �It was stressful at times. It was a lot of work and really changed the way we recorded. But,� he adds, �it was a lot of fun, too.�

In the end My Morning Jacket achieved their goal for Evil Urges � it�s focused, diverse and, for better or for worse, it shows that a 10-year-old band can still evolve. �It will piss some people off and make others very happy,� says Hallahan. �We�re still catching flack for not making another At Dawn.�

See Also

Thursday 12 June 2008

Kate Hudson - Hudson Finds Armstrong Romance Rumours Hilarious

Actress KATE HUDSON laughed off reports she's dating cycling champion LANCE ARMSTRONG during a radio chat to promote a new haircare line - but she refused to deny the rumours.

The Almost Famous star was plugging the new eco-friendly products she has created with her stylist David Babbaii on DJ Ryan Seacrest's Los Angeles chat show when the interview turned personal.

Seacrest awkwardly asked the actress if the romance rumours were true, prompting a coy Kate to giggle hysterically while telling the DJ, "I don't discuss my personal life."

She added, "My main priority in my life is my son and I've learned these past couple of years... to discuss those things only causes more problems. Everything is always misconstrued."

Hudson and Armstrong were linked romantically after the couple was spotted kissing and cuddling at a Dolce + Gabbana party at the Cannes Film Festival in France last month (May08).

See Also